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Etchells Fleet 27 Race Dashboard

Key Information for Upcoming Races

Posted on: Wed, August 21, 2024 at 0:00:21

Races on: Tue, August 27, 2024

Local time of sunset at the PYC on Tue, Aug 27, 2024 will be 7:24 PM EDT.

Source for Sunset Calculations

See this link: Sunrise/Sunset Calculations for the sunset calculation details used here.

The predicted time of apparent sunset is calculated within a second or two of that published by the US Naval Observatory. However, since this time is rounded to the nearest minute, if this calculated time falls on or very near the half-minute, rounding might result in a one minute difference from the published USNO prediction.

The USNO Sunrise/Sunset in Daylight Time website publishes the expected time of apparent sunset for the whole year, rounded to the nearest minute. The link provided here to the USNO predictions corrects the tabulated times to Daylight time; so, if you are reading this in the summer months, you should ignore the note at the bottom of the USNO table to add one hour if Daylight Time is in use. (Note that the Zone listed at top of the table is 4h West, which is EDT). However, if Standard time is in effect, subtract one hour from the tabulated predictions, or click this link: USNO Sunrise/Sunset in Standard Time.

Note, some websites (e.g., timeanddate.com) erroneously report the times of sunset when sunset occurs after 8:00PM EDT local time. These websites seem to get confused when the local time of sunset falls into the next day at Greenwich, England (zulu time), so they pull the time of sunset from the previous day, which results in their reported time of sunset being wrong by a minute or two. Another common error is to round the time to the minute by just truncating the seconds, rather than properly rounding off the minute.

R/C Signal Flags Hoisted for Next Race:

Signal Description
No Signal R/C is off-duty

Predicted Tides on Race Day

Date Time Tide Level Tide Height (ft)
Tue, Aug 27 06:05 High Tide 8.7
12:00 Low Tide 1.0
18:23 High Tide 9.8

Sustained Wind and Gust Speed Forecast

Weather Forecast
Explanation for forecast trend plots

The graphic above tracks the wind speed and gust forecast, starting a week before the candidate race day. On the left-hand side of the image, the wind speed is plotted on a color-coded 3-D surface plot across the entire race day, from midnight (00:00) to midnight (00:00). On the right-hand side of the image, the same dataset is sliced along the 6:00, 7:00 and 8:00 PM hours to better see the forecast trend over the week during our usual race times. The round polar plot shows the forecast history for the wind direction, with the start of the week at the center, progressing to race day at the outer periphery.The NOAA/NWS website is checked for forecast updates every 2 hours.

Click on the image to open it in a new tab.