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Racing Rules Discussions Finishing Mark 9/6/22 traffic jam at pin Reply To: Finishing Mark 9/6/22 traffic jam at pin

Tim T

    This is a simple Rule 18 situation. Two boats overlapped approaching the finish pin on port broad reach. WhiteHawk to leeward and closest to the pin, Fortitude with a half boat length overlap from astern and to windward.

    Fuzzy coming in on starboard broad reach heading for the pin as well. With these directions, there was no question if the two port tackers had an overlap, they had been ahead of the overlap for several minutes.

    WhiteHawk hails Fuzzy that she and Fortitude need room to round the finish pin. Fuzzy replies they are on starboard and have right of way. WhiteHawk replies “our inside overlap tumps their starboard”. Fuzzy seems to initiate altering her course after WH bears off to avoid a collision, the effect is to have WH hit the inflatable finish pin but allowing the two port tack boats escape room. WH then moves to re-round the pin and finish properly.

    Original RRS 18 applies at all marks except the starting ones. Test Rule 18 does as well and expands its definition of mark room to include room for inside boat to clear the finish. In both existing and test rules 18.2a states an outside boat shall give inside boat room.

    Fuzzy did not do so in time creating a bad situation for the inside two boats. If WH had protested, most likely Fuzzy would have been disqualified, Fortitude would have finished better and WH would not have re-rounded the finish pin dropping 6+ places.

    Tim T