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Competition Topics Scoring Topics How should we score an OOD code? Reply To: How should we score an OOD code?


    The scores posted on the website this year have been using option 2 (for the first time, as far as I can tell). In previous years, the scoring appears to have used option 1 and/or option 4.

    In previous years, the RC was usually counted as a competitor, so it always was included in the tally to determine the DNC code score. However, whether the OOD code is counted as a competitor is not an issue unless that boat never races a race (in that series). The way we have it this year, once it races in one race within a series, it becomes a competitor for that series. The issue is that the DNC score is one point more than the number of competitors. This year, I have been counting it as a competitor only once it shows up for at least one race (in that series).

    Whether the OOD code counts as a boat in the starting area, as a starter, or as a finisher affects any scoring code that counts the number of each category. Previous years have used various values for these codes and I am unaware of anything in our race documents that specifies what is required.