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…from our Fleet Captain

I’m sure many of you are following the 2018-19 Etchells Biscayne Bay Series in Miami so I will be brief.

Half way through the Sidney Doren Memorial Regatta, the second regatta of the series, Fleet 27 is represented by two boats, Todd and crew aboard Marge and Rich Ketchum, Scott Thomas and Roger Junet sailing Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter.

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Executive Board Openings

Chris Yale (Race Officer), Rich Hubbell (Treasurer) and Jay Corson (Secretary) would like to remain on the Fleet 27 Executive Board for 2019, while Social Officer Jennifer Yahr and Fleet Captain Chris Morin are stepping down. Elections to fill the two openings on the Executive Board will be held during the Fall fleet meeting. Let a member of the nominating committee know if you are interested in either open position. The Fleet 27 nominating committee consists of Andrew Carey, Ehren Morse, and Bill Connors.

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