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Competition Topics Scoring Topics Scoring procedure for the daily Most Improved award

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by Webmaster.
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    • #2711

        Fleet 27 Sailing Instruction paragraph 24.1 says that the award for most improved goes to “the yacht that is most improved that evening over its current overall standing in that series.” However, we usually present the most improved award to the boat based on its daily performance compared to its performance during the prior race evening.

        If we want to continue this procedure as we have been doing, then the SI’s should be revised to agree with current practice (such as “…the yacht that is most improved compared to its performance over the prior race day”).

        However, there may be an advantage in changing to the procedure currently defined in the SI, in that the series leaders are much less likely to win the most improved award than under the current procedure of comparing to the previous race day. But, if we want to revert to the practice described in the SI, then we should define what “that series” is (e.g., season series or applicable spring/summer/fall sub-series). Also, we should define a tie-breaking procedure, since there are likely to be ties under this procedure. We also need to ensure the R/C has the appropriate, and updated, series rankings each week so the winner can be determined.

      • #6790

          So, we did change the SI’s for the 2019 season to award “Most Improved” to the boat whose night’s combined ranking is most improved compared to its ranking the previous weeknight (not its season ranking through the previous week).

          Issues with this approach, as I see them:

          1. 1) If boat is DNC the previous week, it is ignored. Seems like its DNC rank should count, and provide the base for the calculation.
            2) Too many “Most Improved” awards to the top boats. If we revert to a comparison of the boat’s nightly ranking compared to its position in the season standings, then it should be more likely that a lower ranked boat will get the award. At least there are more positions ahead of it to be captured.
            3) What about the RC duty boat scored with OOD code? They currently are ignored the week following RC duty. They should figure into the competition somehow, which if the comparison was done to their season rank through the previous week, they would figure into the mix.
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      Competition Topics Scoring Topics Scoring procedure for the daily Most Improved award