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- Forum
- Topics
- Last Post
- House Rules A few rules to make life better for most...
- 1
- 6 years, 9 months ago
- Fleet 27 Chalk Talk A forum to post, reply to, and archive "pearls of wisdom" from the daily race winners. Similar to a coach's lecture at the end of a practice or a match in any sport, one or all of the crew that "won the day" will write about what they did that resulted in their win. A consistent, simple format leading with the prevailing conditions will help the audience compare results week to week. Also, members may post replies to these postings. You have to be registered and logged-in in order to add a topic, reply, or comment. Guidance for Daily Winners on Posting.
- 12
- 9 months, 3 weeks ago
- Racing Rules Discussions This forum hosts discussions of the racing rules of sailing and situations where the rules of sailing come into play. Please keep the discussion civil and let's use this as an opportunity to improve our knowledge of the racing rules of sailing. Use this as a place to work through rules issues that, for whatever reason, you don't want to submit through a regular protest hearing process.
- 1
- 2 years, 6 months ago
- Competition Topics Forum for discussing all aspects of racing Etchells in competition. You have to be registered and logged-in in order to add a topic, reply, or comment.
- 20
- 3 years, 9 months ago
- Crew Wanted/Crew Available
Create (and Submit) a new forum topic here if you are looking for crew or are available to crew. Include the date(s) and your contact information. Alternatively, for those looking to crew, use this CREW SIGNUP link, which is also located at the very bottom of each webpage.
- 2
- 5 years, 11 months ago
- Fleet 27 Scuttlebutt A forum for discussion of topics of general interest to Etchells Fleet 27 members. You have to be registered and logged-in in order to add a topic, reply, or comment.
- 3
- 6 years, 6 months ago
- Buy, Sell, Trade, Swap
List Etchells-related items to buy, sell, trade, or swap. Review the "Buy, Sell, Trade, Swap Guidelines" for more information on listing on this forum. If you are registered and logged-in, you can add an item for sale, (click the Create New Topic link at the top of the page) or add a reply, or comment.
- 16
- 1 year, 3 months ago
- Class One-Design Rules
He who stops being better stops being good. --Oliver Cromwell
This Forum intends to provoke discussion and collect comments aimed to improve the International Etchells Class Rules (i.e., the rules that were completely revised in 2022). Read the Format topic for guidelines on posting. You will need to be registered and logged-in in order to add a topic, reply, or comment. - 39
- 3 years, 1 month ago
- IECA Rules Discussion of the IECA Rules (the international class association bylaws). You have to be registered and logged-in in order to add a topic, reply, or comment.
- 2
- 3 years, 10 months ago
- Features on the Fleet 27 Website Comments or suggestions related to the Fleet 27 website. You have to be registered and logged-in in order to add a topic, reply, or comment.
- 9
- 6 years, 4 months ago
- Fleet 27 Bylaws & Procedures A forum to discuss the Bylaws of Etchells Fleet 27 and other Fleet 27 procedures. You have to be registered and logged-in in order to add a topic, reply, or comment.
- 2
- 5 years, 9 months ago
- Pre-2022 Etchells Class Rules
He who stops being better stops being good. --Oliver Cromwell
This Forum intends to provoke discussion and collect comments aimed to improve the International Etchells Class Rules. Read the Format topic for guidelines on posting. You will need to be registered and logged-in in order to add a topic, reply, or comment. The Etchells class one-design rules were updated and mostly rewritten in a major revision during 2022, so this forum is now closed. A new forum will be created to collect comments on the new rules. -eds. - 39
- 3 years, 1 month ago
- House Rules