This is to announce the postponement of the Spring Meeting of Etchells Fleet 27 previously scheduled for March 31, 2020. “AP” has been hoisted. The PYC has cancelled all meetings scheduled through April 6 at this point.
Further Fleet activities will continue to be evaluated as time proceeds. Until the limits on social distancing are expanded, racing is unlikely in the immediate future. Your Board will continue to monitor the situation with others of our boating community to determine future courses of action.
I do not see the Fleet launch, currently scheduled for May 9 at Handy Boat Service, occurring but it is too soon to tell. I plan on having WhiteHawk ready by then just in case. If we launch later, she will be more polished and shiny than ever before.
I do not see our Spring Series starting May 12 at this point either. Once we see near half of the usual racing fleet ready to launch, with skippers and their crews embracing sailing in the close confines of an eight foot cockpit while taking a crowded launch to and from their race boat, once the launches are operational at normal schedules and passenger limits, once we have safety boats with crews available, once we feel confident in meeting with fellow sailors after racing, then we can resume our racing and boating schedules.
Maybe we start in May, or June, or July. Maybe the condition of the nations physical, mental, or financial heath will preclude racing all together this year. Possibly we all resort to pulling out our singlehanded boats to race with a pledge to avoid close contact and tight mark rounding’s. Radio controlled boats may be in our future? There are apps we can get to allow us to start our online race each Tuesday at 1800 so we can duke it out in the safety of our own home if not the porch of the PYC, safe, dry, no need for PFDs and foulies. Who cares if it is snowing the first night? The Fleet could provide trophies! I urge all to connect with EtchellsFleet27.com for further updates, NOR, SI’s, and schedules.
These changes could affect our dues structure but I see no need to worry about this right now, our treasury is in good shape. We will be in touch with National to see what their thoughts are.
This could affect the Lobster Bowl. With reduced racing the Lobster Bowl may be bigger than ever, so lend a hand when our LB Committee asks for your help.
At this point we just can’t be sure of what the future holds. Time will tell, it heals all. We will keep everyone informed as things progress. We should do what we can to keep ourselves, our families and friends as well as our community safe and healthy during this time of crisis. Thanks to all who have contacted me on this matter. I look forward to seeing you all back on the water in the not too distant future. All my best.
Tim Tolford
Casco Bay Etchells Fleet Captain