Etchells Fleet 27, partnering with J-24 Fleet 43 and Portland Yacht Club, will host a 3-day racing clinic from July 29 through July 31 featuring renowned match racing sailor, coach and sailing rules/tactics guru Dave Perry. Dave will spend time coaching senior and junior racing sailors, and lead one of his well-known rules/tactics seminars.
Tickets for these events will go on sale at a date and place to be announced. Financial sponsors for this clinic are encouraged. Contact Matt Blake (Etchells) or Erica Beck Spencer (J-24) for more information.
Tentative Clinic Agenda
- Rules and Tactics Seminar on Monday evening, July 29
- On-the-water coaching C420 junior sailors during Tuesday, July 30
- On-the-water coaching during Etchells racing Tuesday evening, July 30, followed by a post-race video debrief at PYC
- On-the-water coaching Opti junior sailors on Wednesday morning, July 31
- Race Officer seminar on Wednesday afternoon, July 31
- On-the-water coaching during J-24 racing Wednesday evening, July 31, followed by a post-race video debrief at PYC.
The Monday Evening Seminar

The Rules from Start to Finish – this is an entertaining and informative look at situations around the race course where it helps to know the rules. Dave discusses the rules and the tactics in each situation with a look to how to maximize winning tactics with an increased rules knowledge, and includes spectacular video of many of the tactical situations he discusses. These talks are particularly useful for crews to help them understand better what will happen next and what information the skipper needs to know.
Dave’s Books
Dave will also bring copies of his three best-selling books to sell and sign.
- Understanding the Racing Rules of Sailing………….$35
- Winning in One-Designs……………………………………..$25
- Dave Perry’s 100 Best Racing Rules Quizzes……….$15
About Dave Perry
Dave grew up on Long Island Sound in Connecticut, racing Lightnings. He received his undergraduate degree at Yale University, and has received an honorary Doctorate of Education from Piedmont College. He is Chairman of the US SAILING Appeals Committee, and is a National Judge.
He has authored three books on the sport, Understanding the Racing Rules of Sailing, Winning in One-Designs, and Dave Perry’s 100 Best Racing Rules Quizzes.He is a two-time All American sailor and Intercollegiate Dinghy National Champion, 5thplace finisher at the 1979 Laser Worlds, two-time Congressional Cup winner (1983 & 84), Bronze Medalist in the 1983 Pan Am Games, Silver Medalist in the 1983 Soling Pre-Olympic regatta, 2003 Ideal 18 North American champion, and a five-time winner of the U.S. Match Racing Championship for the Prince of Wales Trophy.
He is a member of the Sailing World Hall of Fame, and recipient of US SAILING’s W. Van Alan Clark, Jr. Trophy for Sportsmanship and Captain Joe Prosser Award for Excellence in Sailing Instruction. A US Sailing Senior Certified Judge and member of the US Sailing Appeals Committee, he was the Rules Advisor for Victory Challengeand Artemis Racing, Sweden’s 2007, 2013 and 2017 America’s Cup Teams, and the Rules Advisor for the 2008 and 2012 U.S. Olympic Sailing Team. He has conducted hundreds of “rules talks” and seminars on the sport, and is best known for his clear, humorous and highly interactive presentations.