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Schadenfreude wins the Winter-in-Spring Series

12 Etchells felt their way around a foggy Casco Bay on June 27 in the final race of Fleet 27’s Spring Series. WhiteHawk won the race, but Schadenfreude‘s 2nd place secured their overall win for the Spring Series. Finish results and season standings may be found on the Race Page.

The PYC race committee graciously offered to start the Etchells for a Spring Series make up race ahead of the usual Thursday Night Series fleet. The fog rolled in just at the start, and the R/C made a last-minute change to shorten the course to IX (Cow Island N4 then finish). Winds were light ~6 kts, and a strong flood tide was running.

During post-race festivities, there were several comments heard from the TNS sailors on how the luck of the Etchells fleet has been passed to the Thursday Night racers; though it was pointed out that it was just about the best night’s racing the Etchells have had all year and the TNS racers have missed the previous two evenings due to their own weather conditions. There was discussion over N14’s historically proper passing side, but racers begrudgingly conceded that history is no match for today’s black ink on white background.

All-in-all, the race was an interesting change from the usual fare. Thanks go out to the PYC R/C for their allowing us to race and starting us without a hitch.