Our Spring meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 19th, in a couple of weeks. Pot luck dinner at PYC starting at 6PM, followed by Fleet 27 membership meeting. Plan on being there to discuss New Business, New Webmaster, Launching, etc., etc., and a chance to see some old friends again.
Boat Owner Last names ending– please bring:
A-J Appetizer
K-V Main Dish
W-Z Dessert
Some Topics:
New Business:
1. Fleet Website:
a. Matt Blake is moving on. We need a new webmaster. Our Domain
registration expires on May 23.
b. We would like to have a volunteer to fill Matt’s position. Matt can train.
His website is very good and it will be difficult to recreate.
2. Race committee and social assignments
3. Who decides how much insurance is enough?
4. Due’s structure
5. Fleet Launch
6. New bow numbers
7. New boats
8. Get list from Seth of other Etchells owners in the area
9. Updated Sail sale list
10.Dues structure presented and voted on.
11.Fleet racing schedule, NoR, SIs presented and voted on.
12.Officers shall present reports on their areas of responsibility.
13. Other business
See you There!