Hi all-
Our Spring meeting will be Tuesday, April 19 April 26 at 18:00 hours at PYC. The topics (Agenda) are:
- 0. An overview of the 2022 season followed by:
- 1. Minutes from the Fall Meeting,
- 2. Appointment of a Nominating Committee,
- 3. NOR/SIS for 2022,
- 4.Fleet Launch,
- 5. The PRO Returns,
- 6. Qualifiers for the 2023 Worlds,
- 7. Our National Association,
- 8. Sail Sales,
- 9. Other items,
- 10. The 2022 Race Schedule-see attached and
- 11. New ways (rules) to round marks.
The Fleet launch will be very different this year. We will be using PYS on May 14 with a weather day of May 15. The cost will be $150.00. Boats will be launched by crane with a single lift point-you will need eyes on your keel bolts and a bridle. We have extra bridles available if you don’t have one. If you want to launch with mast in, you can arrive Friday afternoon and set your mast-leave the boom off. We have 2, possibly 3, tow boats available. The launch window will be from 08:30 to 14:00. Expect to be launched in the morning. This will be an all hands on deck process so that boats and cars can be moved. There are other alternatives which we will discuss.
2022 Racing Schedule
Spring Series: May 17, 24,31 June 7, 14, and 21
Summer Series: June 28, July 5, 12, 19, 26, and August 2
Fall Series: August 9, 16, 23, 30, and September 6 and 13
Weekend Series: CYC June 4, PYC Pilot Race June 18, Casco Fiasco July 16, Drop marks July 30, Sail Maine August 13, Drop Marks August 27. You must race 3 weekends to qualify. Days with multiple races will be scored by your fleet position for the day.
Thursday night Racing Series ????
Lobster bowl ????
How to qualify the the 2023 Worlds in Miami???
This is the latest from Myles Everett and PYS as to the launch procedures. If you do not have a lifting bridle let us know we will have spares available. Also, REMEMBER OUR SPRING MEETING ON TUESDAY APRIL 26.
Hi All-
It has been brought to my attention-since I no longer have school age kids-that planning our Spring Meeting for the same time many will be on Spring Break with their offspring- that it might be a better idea to have our Spring meeting the following week. Sooo, let’s all plan on having our Spring Etchells Meeting the following week-Tuesday April 26.
Sorry for the confusion.
See you all in person at PYC on April 26.