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Local and Regional Regattas Planned for 2020

Good day Etchells sailors,
Some of you may already seen this but for those who have not, I am forwarding news of the SailMaine 24 fundraiser.  This new event will be open to ten teams of ten people, each will be expected to fundraise $250 each and come 1600hrs. June 26 will start the epic Le Mans like 24 hour marathon of sailing to see which team can complete the most laps on the course finishing Saturday June 27 at 1600.  I am wondering if there is interest from our Fleet to enter as a team?  I am sure 10 or more folks would like to sail a shift of overnight J/22 racing around Portland Harbor or be shore support for the sailors.  It would be a great way to advertise Etchells sail in Casco Bay.  I welcome replies pro and con to this idea and for team members interested in participating in SailMaine 24.  Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

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2020 Etchells ACCs in Marblehead July 24-26

Please see announcement and we hope that you will consider joining us this July.

Note that we have a new Dave Curtis Trophy that was awarded to Rob, Kent and Timo last year on USA 1105.  This trophy includes all winners since the inception of Etchells racing in Marblehead in 1969 and, appropriately,  it was Skip Etchells who won the first two years.

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Year-End Boat Tasks

Set your calendars for Saturday September 21 @ Handy Boat Service.  Starting at 0800 we will have lift off for the first boats in line with trailers ready.  I plan on pulling my mast Monday or Tuesday after Lobster Bowl, weather permitting.

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…from our Fleet Captain

I’m sure many of you are following the 2018-19 Etchells Biscayne Bay Series in Miami so I will be brief.

Half way through the Sidney Doren Memorial Regatta, the second regatta of the series, Fleet 27 is represented by two boats, Todd and crew aboard Marge and Rich Ketchum, Scott Thomas and Roger Junet sailing Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter.

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Race Results for August 21

Casco Bay served up light winds for the evening of July 31, which allowed two races to be completed in 6-10 kts from SSE. Sixteen boats competed, tied for the largest number of boats to date in 2018. The fleet sailed a course W1 for the first race, and a W2 for the second race. The race committee was provided by Wiki WikiRead More »Race Results for August 21