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Rules Webinar by PHRF New England

(Free) Rules webinar hosted by the New England PHRF organization.

Click tiny link near the the bottom to attend.

This is a message from PHRF NE sent on behalf of one of its fleets or the parent organization: 

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PHRF New England Sailors!REMINDER – April 1st @ 1900 RULES WEBINAR

With the issuance of new Racing Rules of Sailing, PHRF New England is hosting a Rules Webinar on Thursday, April 1st at 1900.National Judges Nancy Glover and Rick Myers will explain the new Rules changes and how they will affect us while racing this year and for the next few years. So invite a teammate, grab a beverage, and tune in for some April Foolery – Seriously!

Many skippers have reached out about including their crews. YES, your crews are welcome! Please ask them to join our email list on so that they get general emails about events like this one.

See you on Thursday!

R. Gregg Nourjian, Commodore Emeritus
(617) 592-3000 cell
[email protected]