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Sail Royalty Button

Sail Button
New Etchells sail royalty button.

In case you have been wondering, this is what the new sail royalty button/tag looks like. No more sail cards. No more sail limits. Just these tags.

One would think that for $200 per year, that IECA would inform the membership what the sail button looks like. Maybe North Sails just made this button up out of whole cloth because IECA is still dithering on the button design. But, there has been no news from the head shed to let is know.

The stitching runs through the serial number making the number hard to read. Seems like the serial number should be located somewhere else on the button, or the stitching applied differently.

And, what is the IECA’s approach to dealing with legacy sails that have no button? Club racers are known to still use sails that are 12+ years old? Maybe since there sail limits went away, the old sails do not matter.

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