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Spring 2019 Membership Meeting

Welcome to spring,
The snow is melting here, we have mud and the ability to get into our boats, we have new boats coming to the fleet, the skiers are still happy….life is good!

Tuesday evening, April 23, Etchells Fleet 27 will hold its Spring Meeting at the Portland Yacht Club starting at 1800 or 6:00PM depending what mood you are in. We have several weighty issues to discuss, a By-laws revision, to Dues or not to dues, racing and social activities to plan, and a wonderful time to see friends both old and new. Plan on attending, bring your crews.

You Butter be there with Mitfreude, it will take Fearless Fortitude and the speed of a Greyhound to Hustle(r) through the agenda…”Wiki-Wiki” says that Vixen Valkyrie. Join us along with the beautiful Andromeda or else Medusa may put a Voodoo curse on you using a Black Sheep, a Cow(bell), or a WhiteHawk. Again, if things are a bit Fuzzy, we’ll see you at 6:00 April 23. My apologies to those I missed.

Tim Tolford

Agenda for Membership Meeting

Agenda for Spring Membership Meeting

Proposed Change to Fleet 27 Bylaws

Proposed change to Fleet 27 bylaws

Note: This proposed change to the bylaws widens the schedule flexibility for the 2 required membership meetings. Also, the season awards may be presented at the post-season meeting or may be done at a separately scheduled meeting, providing the fleet with greater scheduling flexibility.