This is an update to the previous post, which may be read here.
Good morning Etchells sailors.
Our Fall Meeting is being held Tuesday, Nov. 12 starting at 5:30 PM at the Portland Yacht Club. Our Social Officer Charlotte Kinkade is our host for the potluck dinner and she can be reached at 807-3545 or her new email address of [email protected] which coincides with her new job at East Coast Yacht Sales. If you have not contacted her to sign up for an appetizer, main dish, side, or dessert, or you wish to help set up the PYC for the event, please reach out to her in the next few days.
Ann Blanchard will have her newest Etchells slide show and the hotly desired 2020 Etchells Fleet 27 calendars available as well.
Trophies have arrived and we will see who Past Captain Chris Morin rewards with a variety of awards for their 2019 honors.
We have a few items to discuss, as well and the Agenda is attached for your review. A message from your International Association concerning Class Rules modifications is provided elsewhere on the website (click here to read it); please review and be ready to discuss them at our meeting.
I look forward to seeing all of our Etchells sailors, family, and friends at our end of season event.
Thank you.
Casco Bay Etchells Fleet 27 Fall Meeting Agenda Portland Yacht Club Tuesday, November 12, 2019 1730 Arrival and set-up, Potluck Supper 1800 Potluck Supper Slide show by Fleet Photographer Ann Blanchard Following dinner: Meeting Agenda • Welcome by Fleet Captain • Discussion of Make-up Races for 2020 • Dates for Fleet launch and racing schedule Spring, Summer, and Fall Series Lobster Bowl • Distribution of Fleet 27 members lists • Discussion of Etchells Class Rule change proposals for sail cards • Old Business • New Business • Nominating Committee Report by Bill Conners and Ehren Morse Captain Tim Tolford Treasurer Rich Hubbell Secretary Jay Corson Race Officer Seth Sprague Social Director Jeff LePage Lobster Bowl Chairs Jamie Carter Ehren Morse Joe Seremeth Nominating Committee Peter Heissenbuttel John Milburn Steve Whipple • Voting on officers for 2020 • Awards for the 2019 Season by Past Fleet Captain Chris Morin
One last item…
Remnants from our summer Sail Sale were exchanged for merchandise at Sea Bags this year, some were sold at the Lobster Bowl and the remaining bags will be offered to the Fleet at Black Tuesday pricing.
- The top row wine bags with Whale tail, Lobster Pile, Claw, and Anchor patterns, usually $40, on sale for $25.
- Middle row large Beachcomber bag in Red Shellfish, list $75, a deal at $50.
- Bucket bags with Paw, Lobster Pile, or Claw, $45, today $30.
- One ditty bag with chart print goes for $35, on sale now for $25.
- The large wristlet chart @ $45 will walk for $30
- The small wristlets in Claw or Chart, usually $30 go for just $20.
- 2019 Lobster Bowl Shirts, XXL only,
- 3 T-shirts @ $5.00 each,
- 4 Tech shirts @ $7.00 each.
Get ‘um while they last; cheaper than a new ‘chute.
Reply and reserve yours today… first come, first served. Delivery at the meeting Tuesday, cash and carry. Great Holiday gifts and they help our Fleet Treasury.