Fleet 27 Race Results

Scroll down to see Etchells Fleet 27 race results, with the most current season at the top, and time traveling back to 2006 as you scroll to the bottom.
For any issues, questions, feedback or comments on the website or racing results, please email Adrian (the new web guy), and please be nice – I’m learning 😉
Race Results for 2024
Daily Results
- May 14th, 2024 – (Start of Spring Series) – 15 boats, 1 race. Winds out of the ENE, racing was north of Clapboard Island
- May 21st, 2024 – 18 boats, 2 races. Most improved
- May 28th, 2024 – 16 boats, 1 race. Most improved: Wiki-Wiki
- June 4, 2024 – 18 boats, 3 races. Moderate winds that stuck around out of the SSE, shifting right (S) as the night went on. Most improved: Spaghetti Farm
- June 11, 2024 – 18 boats, 2 races. Light breeze (5-7 SSE) with right shifts, dropping in velocity as the night went on. Most improved: Brass Monkey
- June 18, 2024 (End of Spring Series) – 18 boats, 1 race. Most improved: Butter
- June 25, 2024 (Start of Summer Series) – 20 boats, 1 race. Most improved: Black Sheep
- July 2, 2024 – 18 boats, 2 races. Most improved: Medusa
- July 9, 2024 – No races, thunderstorm changed course with 2 minutes until the first gun ruined the fun
- July 16, 2024 – 15 boats, 2 races. Most improved: Gunsmoke
- July 23, 2024 – 15 boats, 2 races. Most improved:
- July 30, 2024 – (End of Summer Series) 19 boats, 1 race. 2 APs to start the night but RC did a nice job to get a race in. Most improved: Pressure Drop
- August 6, 2024 – (Start of Fall Series) 18 boats, 1 race. 3 general recalls on the evening. Most improved
- August 13, 2024 – 19 boats, 2 races. Most improved: Gunsmoke
- August 20, 2024 – 20 boats, 2 races. Most improved: Greyhound
- August 27, 2024 – 21 boats, 2 races. Most improved: Fearless
- September 3, 2024 – 20 boats, 1 race (W2). Most improved: Spaghetti Farm
- September 10, 2024 (End of Fall Series) – 17 boats, 1 race. Most improved: Medusa
Series Results
- Spring Series Results
- Summer Series Results
- Fall Series Results
- 2024 Championship Series Results
- Lobster Bowl Results

Year-Over-Year Results (unofficial, but possibly interesting to some):
- Click on honor roll of champions to view Fleet 27 series winners from prior years.
- Click on graph of season ranking history to see plot of season rankings back to 2013 (using CHIPS 3 scoring).
- Click on year-over-year results to see summation (using CHIPS 3 high point scoring) of annualized ranking results starting with the 2013 season.
- Click on Year-Over-Year Rankings to view a table of yearly rankings (resulting from the scoring, above, using the CHIPS 3 high point system) for the recent seasons starting with 2013 season.
Links to Daily and Prior Year Race Results:
2023 Daily Winners
Click the link to jump to the individual **nightly** race results.
Jump to 2022 Results
Jump to 2021 Results
Race Results for 2023
NOTE: Results are final for all races through September 12. The 2023 season is complete.
Summary – 2023 Fleet Championship Series Rankings & Scores
Click on either image below to view it larger in new tab. {Hint: Use the Net Points graph to judge if you are gaining/losing ground on your nearest competitor(s).}
☜ Click the button to view the whole season-long table of race scores (under low-point scoring) for the Fleet Championship trophy.
Spring/Summer/Fall Series:
- 2023 Spring Series Results (Series started on May 16 and concluded on June 20.)
- 2023 Summer Series Results (Series started on June 27 and concluded on August 1.)
- 2023 Fall Series Results (Series started August 8 and concluded on September 12.)
Sparkline plots of rankings for Spring, Summer, and Fall. Click on the figure to open it full size in a new tab.
Unofficial Alternate Scoring Methods
(1) High Point with CHIPS 3
The link presents our Season Series races scored using CHIPS High Point system. This system has lots of features, too many to list. The argument is that CHIPS is better (fairer) than low-point over a long series typical of club racing.

(Sparkline graphing program courtesy of Peter van Muyden)
Click here for more about CHIPS scoring history and method.
A significant down-side is that CHIPS high-point scoring is more difficult to understand than normal Appendix A-type low-point scoring because it is more difficult to work out what a competitor needs to achieve in order to overtake another boat in the series or avoid being overtaken.
Scoring under CHIPS 3 high-point results in rankings that are a little different than our official (US Sailing Appendix A low-point) results. It appears that CHIPS reduces the penalty for missing a few races, especially for those boats that often finish near the top of the fleet. The scoring tally presented here discards the worst (lowest) 20% of the scores; however, I think a more common approach employs no discards, but requires sailing in, say, 66% or 75% of the races to qualify for the series.
Click the button to display the 2023 season results scored under CHIPS 3 with no discards. Also, OOD is changed to be the average of non-DNC races (as opposed to our usual method deriving the average by excluding the discarded races).
CHIPS version 3 is the version currently in widest use around the world. There are about 4 or 5 parameters in the equation that control the distribution of scores, so there are other outcomes that could be achieved, depending upon what is valued. The third version was arrived at based on a couple years experience scoring races at the club where CHIPS algorithm was developed. See the related discussion linked below if you have more interest.
The link opens an article that provides more information from the originator about CHIPS scoring.
The next pictures plot the CHIPS 3 scores for up to 20 boat fleet (and smaller) – points vs. number of starters; one curve for each finish position. First place varies between about 85 points for 1st place in a one-boat race increasing to 100 points for 1st when there are 36 or more boats in the race. Last place varies more widely in points, depending on the number of starters. Note that DNS, DSQ, DNC, etc. each score 0 points. RET, WD, DNF score the points from the CHIPS formula for the number of starters + 1 (so, with 5 starters, DNF is points for 6th place, which is the lower blue curve with diamond markers). For any give number of starters, CHIPS 3 uses uniform point jumps (differential) between successive finish positions, but that increment changes for races with a different number of starters, as shown by the lowest mustard color line (note: the legend has the wrong color). (Note, the underlying method allows for variable point differentials between finish positions. For example the points gap between 1st and 2nd could be larger than the gap between 2nd and 3rd, and all the way down. The developers of CHIPS 3 decided that the variable spacing does not add anything, while making the method more complicated to use on the race course.)
(2) Tally Scores Using Daily Rankings
(…as done in Biscayne Bay Winter Series)
Daily Ranking Summary (click link to open table): Daily Overall Rankings from each Tuesday in which racing occurs. This format treats each Tuesday as a regatta and displays the daily ranking for each week. The daily rankings (instead of individual races) are summed up over the season, with worst 20% discarded. The daily rankings are official, but the Total and Net points are provided for information only, and are not official. Note that some Etchells multi-regatta series (e.g., Biscayne Bay winter series) are scored this way.
2023 Daily Winners & Results
(most recent races at top)
- Week 17: September 12, 2023 (10 boats, 1 WM2 race; winds 6-10 kts out of the SE. Oscillations were approx. 30 degrees from 135 to 105.) Conclusion of FALL SERIES and of SEASON CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES
- Daily Winner: Brass Monkey (980)
- Most Improved: Brass Monkey (980)
- Week 16: September 5, 2023 (No wind, no racing.)
- Week 15: Aug 29, 2023 (16 boats, 2 races. Wind ESE 4-8 knots. Fleet got back just ahead of the fog. Fuzzy Logic had R/C, Wiki-Wiki most improved.)
- Daily Winner: Schadenfreude 2 (1350)
- Most Improved: Wiki-Wiki (1070)
- Week 14: August 22, 2023 (20 boats, 2 races. Another beautiful night on Casco Bay. 14 knots NW diminishing to 8. Schadenfreude 2 had R/C, Greyhound most improved.)
- Daily Winner: Artificial Intelligence (663)
- Most Improved: Greyhound (706)
- Week 13: August 15, 2023 (17 boats, 2 races. The breeze held up at 4-6 kts and the Wiki Wiki crew squeezed out two races. Pressure Drop was decidedly most improved, going from 18th to 1st.)
- Daily Winner: Pressure Drop (1103)
- Most Improved: Pressure Drop (1103)
- Week 12: August 8, 2023 (Racing cancelled due to threat of thunderstorms and onset of dense fog. Start of FALL SERIES)
- Week 11: August 1, 2023 (A record tying 21 boats (previous record on Aug 3, 2021); 2 WM races in a nice 8-10 knot SW.) Conclusion of SUMMER SERIES
- Daily Winner: Artificial Intelligence
- Most Improved: Spaghetti Farm
- Week 10: July 25, 2023 (19 boats; 1 race in a nice 10-12 knot SW breeze emanating from an approaching T-storm, which sent us in early.)
- Daily Winner: Schadenfreude 2
- Most Improved: Wiki-Wiki
- Week 9: July 18, 2023 (Racing cancelled due to forecast for fog, thunderstorms, no wind; plus a tree fell across Old Powerhouse Road which prevents cars getting to PYC and the club has no electrical power while the crews clear away the fallen trees.)
- Week 8: July 11, 2023 (No races; no wind.)
- July 4, 2023 (Federal holiday; No races)
- Week 7: June 27, 2023 (16 boats, 2 races; Start of SUMMER SERIES)
- Daily Winner: Butter
- Most Improved: Fuzzy Logic
- Week 6: June 20, 2023 (18 boats, 2 races, ~8-12 kts; End of SPRING SERIES)
- Daily Winner: Schadenfreude 2
- Most Improved: Pressure Drop
- Week 5: June 13, 2023 (13 boats, 2 races, ~8 kts and fog)
- Daily Winner: Butter
- Most Improved: Spaghetti Farm
- Week 4: June 6, 2023 (10 boats, high winds delayed start ~20 minutes; AP down at ~6:20 for 2 races, 13 to 18 NW)
- Daily Winner: Butter
- Most Improved: Fuzzy Logic
- Week 3: May 30, 2023 (14 boats, 2 races, 12 to 15 SSW diminishing to 10 knots; Congrats to #744 for great showing on 1st night out with new boat.)
- Daily Winner: WhiteHawk
- Most Improved: Butter
- Week 2: May 23, 2023 (15 boats, 2 races)
- Daily Winner: Schadenfreude 2
- Most Improved: Schadenfreude 2
- Week 1: May 16, 2023 (12 boats, two races, 7-10 kts, small shifts, sun, wicked tide. Nice first night.) Start of Spring Series.
- Daily Winner: Pressure Drop
- Most Improved: N/A
Prior Years’ Race Results
2022 Results
2022 Series Rankings & Scores
Click on either image above to view it larger in new tab. {Hint: Use the Net Points graph to judge if you are gaining/losing ground on your nearest competitor(s).}
2022 Tuesday Evening Series – Overall Season Results Table
The link above opens the whole season-long table of race scores (low point scoring).
The crew name column has been removed because the number of races is so great this year and we need more room on the display. Look on the Spring/Summer/Fall series and the daily series for the crew names (that have been provided to me!).
Spring/Summer/Fall Series:
- 2022 Spring Series Results (Series started on May 17 and concluded on June 21)
- 2022 Summer Series Results (Series started on June 28 and concluded on August 2)
- 2022 Fall Series Results (Series starts Aug 9 and concluded on September 6, since poor weather prevented racing on Sep 13)
2022 Summer Weekend Series Results
- 2022 CYC Regatta Results (June 4)
- 2022 Pilot Regatta Results (June 18)
- 2022 Casco Fiasco Regatta (July 16)
- 2022 July Drop Marks Weekend (July 30)
- 2022 SailMaine Invitational (August 13)
- 2022 August Drop Marks Weekend (August 27)
- 2022 Lobster Bowl (counts for 2)
2022 Daily Winners & Results
(most recent races at top)
Daily Ranking Summary (click link to open table): Daily Overall Rankings from each Tuesday in which racing occurs. The daily rankings are official, but the points Total and Net are for information, and not official. Some Etchells multi-regatta series (e.g., Biscayne Bay winter series) are scored this way.

- Week 18: Sep 13, 2022 (racing abandoned prior to leaving the dock – no wind, fog). (2022 TUESDAY EVENING SEASON HAS CONCLUDED)
- Week 17: Sep 6, 2022 (15 boats; 1 race – W2; wind 5-10 kts from NE)
- Most Improved: Pressure Drop
- Daily Winner: Schadenfreude 2
- Week 16: Aug 30, 2022 (15 boats; 2 races – WM2 and W1; wind 15-20 kts from S)
- Daily Winner: WhiteHawk
- Most Improved: Greyhound
- Week 15: Aug 23, 2022 (17 boats; 2 races – WM2 and WM2 shortened; wind 4-10 kts from SE)
- Daily Winner: Gunsmoke
- Most Improved: Gunsmoke
- Week 14: Aug 16, 2022 (18 boats; 1 race – WM2 shortened; wind 3-5 kts from ESE)
- Daily Winner: Schadenfreude 2
- Most Improved: Wiki-Wiki 2
- Week 13: Aug 9, 2022 (18 boats; 2 races – WM1 and WM1; wind 6-12 kts from NNE/NE) Start of Fall Series
- Daily Winner: Brass Monkey
- Most Improved: Brass Monkey
- Week 12: Aug 2, 2022 (17 boats; 2 races – WM1 and W1; wind 4-8 kts from SSW – NNE) End of Summer Series
- Daily Winner: Red Stripe 2
- Most Improved: Medusa
- Week 11: July 26, 2022 (17 boats; 2 races – WM1; wind 4-8 kts from SSW)
- Daily Winner: Red Stripe 2
- Most Improved: Vixen
- Week 10: July 19, 2022 (19 boats; 2 races – WM1 and shortened WM2; wind 4-8 kts from NW)
- Daily Winner: Red Stripe 2
- Most Improved: Pressure Drop
- Week 8: July 5, 2022 (16 boats; 3 races; wind 10 kts from SSE)
- Daily Winner: Butter
- Most Improved: Brass Monkey
- Week 7: June 28, 2022 (16 boats; 2 races; wind 10 kts from SSE) Start of Summer Series
- Daily Winner: WhiteHawk
- Most Improved: Pressure Drop
- Week 6: June 21, 2022 (15 boats; 2 races; wind 10 kts from SSE) End of Spring Series
- Daily Winner: Schadenfreude 2
- Most Improved: Schadenfreude 2
- Week 5: June 14, 2022 (13 boats; 2 Races (WM1 & WM2); wind 5-10 kts, from N.)
- Daily Winner: Butter
- Most Improved: Brass Monkey
- Week 4: June 7, 2022 (14 boats; 2 Races (WM2 & WM2); wind 10-20 kts, from SSW.)
- Daily Winner: Schadenfreude 2
- Most Improved: Vixen
- Week 3: May 31, 2022 (14 boats; 2 Races (WM & WM2); wind 6-10 kts, from SSW.)
- Daily Winner: Butter
- Most Improved: Schadenfreude 2
- Week 2: May 24, 2022 (15 boats; 2 Races- W1 & W2; wind 6-10 kts, from S.)
- Daily Winner: Pressure Drop
- Most Improved: N/A
- Week 1: May 17, 2022 (8 boats; 0 Races; gusts to 30+ kts, from W.) Start of Spring Series
- High winds discouraged several boats from leaving shore the first evening of the 2022 series, but 8 boats set sail to brave the elements. However, the R/C abandoned before 1st start due to way too much wind.
- Intrepid Crews:
- 26
- 312
- 663
- 706
- 744
- 1103
- 1260
- 1350
2021 Race Results
2021 Series Scores & Rankings
- 2021 Tuesday Evening Series – Season Overall Results (Low Point)
- 2021 Spring Series Results (Series started on May 18 and concluded on June 15)
- 2021 Summer Series Results (Series started on June 22 and concluded on July 27)
- 2021 Fall Series Results (Series started Aug 3 and concluded on September 7)
- 2021 Summer Weekend Series Results
- 2021 Pilot Regatta Results (June 20)
2021 Casco Bay Interclub Regatta(July 11) (Cancelled)2021 July Weekend- 2021 SailMaine Invitational (August 15)
- 2021 Lobster Bowl (counts for 2)
2021 Daily Winners & Results
(most recent races at top)
Daily Ranking Summary (click link to open table): Daily Overall Rankings from each Tuesday in which racing occurs. This is for information, and not official. Some Etchells multi-regatta series (e.g., Biscayne Bay winter series) are scored this way.
Another view of daily results. This so-called sparkline chart presents each boat’s overall series ranking scored as of each race, with a bar graph of the number of boats in each race included at the bottom of the chart:

- Week 17: September 7, 2021 (15 boats; 2 Races: WM-1; wind 6-12kts, from SW.)
- Daily Winner: Fuzzy Logic
- Most Improved: Fuzzy Logic
- Week 16: August 31, 2021 (17 boats; 1 Race: WM-2; wind 1-6kts, shifty SSE to SW.)
- Daily Winner: More Cowbell
- Most Improved: Brass Monkey
Bonus material…
You be the judge – does Vixen establish the overlap for buoy room at the first leeward mark in the race? (“VooDoo,” seen first coming into the leeward mark, is actually Hustler, and finished in 2nd place in the race. Then WikiWiki and Vixen enter the frame.) Video is 1 min 10 sec duration, and is recorded at 2x realtime speed (I think). This is a 90MB movie file, so it may take a minute or so to open up, or download to, your computer, and it may stop and start while playing, so keep that in mind if you are on a slow internet link.
Below is a lower resolution version, but with more analytics on screen, and played in real time.
Link to RaceQs race replay… Regatta setup may be incomplete, so try your hand at completing it. The regatta setup is crowd sourced.
- Week 15: August 24, 2021 (16 boats; 2 Races: WM-1 and W-1; wind 0-8kts, generally from SSE.)
- Daily Winner: More Cowbell
- Most Improved: Schadenfreude 2
- Week 14: August 17, 2021 (18 boats; 2 Races: W-1 and W-2 (shortened); wind 5-10kts, generally from SSE.)
- Daily Winner: Vixen
- Most Improved: Butter
- Week 13: August 10, 2021 (19 boats; 2 Races: W-1 and W-2 (shortened); wind 5-10kts, generally from SSE, but shifty) The 10th race of the season resulted in a 2nd discard race coming into play to shuffle the results.
- Daily Winner: Schadenfreude 2
- Most Improved: Medusa
- Week 12: August 3, 2021 (A record 21 boats; 2 Races: WM-1 and WM-2 (shortened); wind 6-12 kts from SSW). The Fall Series has started.
- Daily Winner: Greyhound
- Most Improved: Hustler

- Week 11: July 27, 2021 (N over A: no wind; all races cancelled.) The Summer Series is now complete.

- Week 10: July 20, 2021 (N over A: no wind; all races cancelled.)

- Week 9: July 13, 2021 (N over A: no wind; all races cancelled.) 20 boats suited up and most tried to sail out towards the starting area, but the wind did not cooperate.
- Week 8: July 6, 2021 (17 boats; 2 races: WM-1; shifty, spotty 4-12 kts, generally from SW.)
- Daily Winner: Schadenfreude 2
- Most Improved: Brass Monkey

- Week 7: June 29, 2021 (N over A: no wind; all races cancelled.)

- Week 6: June 22, 2021 (N over A: no wind, rain; all races cancelled.) The first day of the summer series.

- Week 5: June 15, 2021 (N over A: Thunderstorms threatening, no wind, fog; all races cancelled.) The Spring Series is now complete.

- Week 4: June 8, 2021 (N over A: No wind; all races cancelled.)
- Week 3: June 1, 2021 (15 boats; 2 races: WM-2 and W2.5 shortened to W1.5; 4-14 kts from W.)
- Daily Winner: Schadenfreude 2
- Most Improved: D-Sports

- Week 2: May 25, 2021 (N over A: All races cancelled due to too much wind. 18-26 kts from S)
- Week 1: May 18, 2021 (First Week of Spring Series & Regular Season)
(13 boats; 2 races: WM1 & W2.5 shortened to W1.5 winds 6-12 kts from NW)- Daily Winner: WhiteHawk
- Most Improved: n/a
2020 Race Results
2020 Tuesday Series Ranking Progression
; ?>)
2020 Series Scores & Rankings
The Novel Corona Virus pandemic delayed the 2020 Etchells racing season a few weeks due to delays in crews getting their boats ready and launched on June 6. This resulted in holding a two week preseason in early June for the 5 boats that launched early, followed by a 12 week regular season starting on June 23, split into Summer and Fall series. However due to the varagies of the Casco Bay weather this year, the fleet completed races on only a scant 4 Tuesdays; races on the other 8 scheduled race days were abandoned due to an abundance of fog, lack of wind, or threats of thunderstorms and squalls. The race results are tabulated at the links presented below…
- 2020 (Regular) Season Series Overall Results (Low Point)
- 2020 Summer Series Results (Series completed on July 28)
- 2020 Fall Series Results (Series completed September 8)
- 2020 Lobster Bowl Regatta Results
- Bonus! Additional tables of Preseason Results:
- 2020 Preseason Series Results
- Combined (unofficial) 2020 Preseason + Regular Season
- Because inquiring minds want to know: scores for the combined series
- In setting the score for a DNC in the preseason series, these scoring tables treat the preseason as a separate, stand-alone series
- An ANC scoring code is used for a DNC in the preseason races
- An ANC scores 6 pts (5 entries plus 1 point) instead of
9 pts10 pts (9 entries plus 1 point) that would be awarded under Appendix A9 scoring if the preseason was considered to be continuous with the regular season series
- Daily Rankings: Preseason + Regular Season
- This method enters only 1 score each and every race week.
- The score is equal to the daily overall ranking of each boat.
- Thus, each Tuesday’s results count the same as every other week towards the season standings, no matter how many races are held that day.
- This way, if you miss a Tuesday when 3 races are held, you miss only 1 entry in the season scoring.
- And OOD (R/C duty) counts for only 1 entry each week, no matter how many races are held that day, so the R/C cannot “game” the scoring system by squeezing in more races.
- If there is a preference to combine the preseason scores with the regular season in the method applicable to a unified, continuous series, the value for the ANC can be changed and the scoring table can be updated.
- Plus, (Finally) the scores for the previous 4 Years (all 70 Races) combined into one Series
- Scores for skippers that have replaced their boat have their scores with their previous boat(s) combined and listed under the current boat
Note: the gold-, silver-, and bronze-shaded cells in the results table correspond to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place for each race. The green-shaded cells are races that are discarded (throwouts) when calculating the series totals.
2020 Daily Winners & Results
(most recent races at top)
Daily Results Summary (click link to open table): Daily Rankings from each race day.
Another view of the results showing the rankings of each boat as of each race.

- Week 12: September 8, 2020 (N over A: all races cancelled due to fog; end of season)
- Week 11: September 1, 2020 (2 races including one “Harry Anderson” (H) course and a W1; winds 6-8 kts from SSE)
- Daily Winner: Vixen
- Most Improved: Vixen
- Week 10: August 25, 2020 (N over A – Racing cancelled from shore due to severe thunderstorm warning from NWS.)
- Week 9: August 18, 2020
N over A – Racing canceled from the race course area due to threatening weather- 1st race was started, but a wind shift made the windward mark a fetch, so race was abandoned
- Then threading radar picture cause R/C to cancel further racing for night
- Week 8: August 11, 2020 Daily Results (2 races, 6-10 kts from S)
- Daily Winner: More Cowbell
- Most Improved: Medusa
- Week 7: August 4, 2020 (N over A – racing abandoned Monday afternoon due to forecast for tropical storm Isaias, which led the PYC and Handy Boat to proactively remove the dock gangways and cancel launch service. It was very foggy at race time, so racing would not have been possible.)
- Week 6: July 28, 2020 Daily Results (3 races, shifty 6-12 kts from W – more wonderful racing)
- Daily Winner: Vixen
- Most Improved: More Cowbell, Medusa, D-Sports, and Andromeda, (tied – each improved 1 position)
- Week 5: July 21, 2020 (N over A – Racing abandoned out in the racing area before the 1st start due to lack of wind)
- Week 4: July 14, 2020 (Racing cancelled due to threatening thunderstorms)
- Week 3: July 7, 2020 Daily Results (3 races, 12-15 kts from 185°M – wonderful racing)
- Daily Winner: Vixen
- Most Improved: More Cowbell
- Week 2: June 30, 2020 (No races due to unsettled weather & light wind)
- Week 1: June 23, 2020 (No races – heavy fog; First Week of Summer Series & Regular Season)
- Preseason week 2: June 16, 2020 Daily Results (3 races; Final week of Preseason Series)
- Daily Winner: Andromeda
- Preseason week 1: June 9, 2020 Daily Results (2 races; Start of Preseason Series)
- Daily Winner: More Cowbell
2019 Race Results
2019 Tuesday Series Ranking Progression

(21 Races Total, Counting Best 17 races, Discarding Worst 4 Races)
2019 Spring, Summer, Fall and Season Series Results (Tabular)
- 2019 Season Series Overall Results (Low Point)
- **Trial** 2019 Season Scored by Daily Rankings
- This method enters only 1 score each and every race week.
- The score is equal to the daily overall ranking of each boat.
- Thus, each Tuesday’s results count the same as every other week towards the season standings, no matter how many races are held that day.
- This way, if you miss a Tuesday when 3 races are held, you miss only 1 entry in the season scoring.
- And OOD (R/C duty) counts for only 1 entry each week, no matter how many races are held that day, so the R/C cannot “game” the scoring system by squeezing in more races.
- 2019 Lobster Bowl Regatta Results
- (Trial)Last 3 Years (all 60 Races) as one Series
- Scores for skippers that replaced their boat have their scores with their previous boat(s) combined and listed under the current boat
Note: the gold-, silver-, and bronze-colored cells in the results table correspond to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place for each race. The green-colored cells are races that are discarded (throwouts) when calculating the series totals.
Another view of the results showing the rankings as of each race:

Alternate Scoring
Follow the link to view alternate scoring methods for 2019.
2019 Daily Winners & Results
(most recent at top)
- September 10, 2019 Daily Results (1 Race – Final Race of the 2019 Season)
- Daily Winner: Schadenfreude 2
- Most Improved: Not Awarded
- Candidates:
- Fortitude – improved 8 plcs: DNC to 4th
- Schadenfreude 2 – improved 4 plcs: 5 to 1st
- Greyhound – improved 4 plcs: 6th to 2nd
- Candidates:
- September 3, 2019 Daily Results (2 Races)
- Daily Winner: Medusa
- Most Improved: Gun Smoke
- August 27, 2019 Daily Results (1 Race)
- Daily Winner: Greyhound
- Most Improved: Fuzzy Logic
- August 20, 2019 Daily Results (1 race)
- Daily Winner: Gunsmoke
- Most Improved: Gunsmoke
- August 13, 2019 (Racing cancelled due to thunderstorms and no wind.)
- August 6, 2019 Daily Results (1st Race of Fall Series)
- Daily Winner: Whitehawk
- Most Improved: Whitehawk
- July 30, 2019 Daily Results (Dave Perry Clinic week & Last Race of Summer Series)
- Daily Winner: Schadenfreude 2
- Most Improved: Schadenfreude 2
- Drone footage by Andrew Sims of the first leg of Race #1
- Dave Perry’s race-coaching videos: “The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly“
- Summary of the Lessons Learned from Dave Perry
- July 25, 2019 Daily Results (Summer Series Make up Race)
- Daily Winner: Fuzzy Logic
- Most Improved: Tuesday’s Witch, Whiplash, D-Sports (3-way tie)
- July 23, 2019 (Racing cancelled due to no wind)
- July 16, 2019 Daily Results (3 races)
- Daily Winner: Whitehawk
- Most Improved: Fuzzy Logic
- July 9, 2019 (Racing cancelled due to no wind; last race day of 1st half of the 2019 Season)
- July 2, 2019 Daily Results (2 races)
- Daily Winner: WhiteHawk
- Most Improved: Hustler
- June 27, 2019 Daily Results (Make-up race for last race of Spring Series)
- Daily Winner: Schadenfreude 2
- Most Improved: Andromeda
- June 25, 2019 Daily Results (1st race of Summer Series)
- Daily Winner: Vixen
- Most Improved: D-Sports
- June 18, 2019 Daily Results
- Daily Winner: Vixen
- Most Improved: Schadenfreude 2
- June 11, 2019 Daily Results
- Daily Winner: Vixen
- Most Improved: (3-way tie) Vixen, Black Sheep, WhiteHawk; awarded to Vixen on countback.
- Link to today’s: Kevin Fahrman photos
- June 4, 2019 Daily Results
- Daily Winner: Butter
- Most Improved: Butter
- Link to today’s: Kevin Fahrman photos
- May 28, 2019 Daily Results
- Daily Winner: Whitehawk
- May 21, 2019 – No racing due to weather (high winds)
- May 14, 2019 – No racing due to weather (cold, high winds, rain)
- First scheduled race day of 2019 Season
2018 Results
2018 Tuesday Series Ranking Progression
Here is a graph showing each boat’s ranking in the overall season series after each race of the 2018 season.
I see some natural boat groupings where standings were swapped back and forth within each group through the year. Maybe these groups could be a basis for scoring divisions for next year?
2018 Scored Position History
The scored position history is a little more confusing to sort out…
2018 Spring, Summer, Fall and Season Results (Tabular)
- 2018 Season Series Results (Low Point)
- 2018 Season Series Results (High Point)
- 2018 Fall Series Results
- 2018 Summer Series Results
- 2018 Spring Series Results
- Z-Score (Alternate Scoring) Results
- Top Gun Racer – Eigenvector Rankings
- 2018 Lobster Bowl Regatta Results
Note: the gold-, silver-, and bronze-colored cells in the results table correspond to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place for each race. The green-colored cells are races that are discarded (throwouts) when calculating the series and daily totals.
2018 Daily Winners & Results
(most recent at top)
- September 11, 2018 – No racing – End of 2018 Season
- September 4, 2018 Daily Results
- Daily Winner: Vixen
- Z-Score Winner: D Sports
- Most Improved: D Sports
- August 28, 2018 Daily Results
- Daily Winner: Vixen
- Z-Score Winners: Black Sheep & Vixen
- Most Improved: (The award was not announced after the racing; Black Sheep’s improvement from 13th last week to 4th this week was the largest improvement in the fleet)
- August 21, 2018 Daily Results
- Daily Winner: Vixen
- Z-Score Winners: More Cowbell & Vixen
- Most Improved: Vixen
- August 14, 2018 – No Racing
- August 7, 2018 Daily Results
- Daily Winner: White Hawk
- Z-Score Winner: White Hawk
- Most Improved: Greyhound
- Bevie Bowl: Vixen
- July 31, 2018 Daily Results
- Daily Winner: Schadenfreude
- Z-Score Winner: Schadenfreude
- Most Improved: Red Stripe
- July 24, 2018 – No Racing
- July 17, 2018 – No Racing
- July 10, 2018 – No Racing
- July 3, 2018 – No Racing
- June 26, 2018 Daily Results
- Daily Winner: Medusa
- Z-score Winners: Wiki Wiki & D Sports
- Most Improved: Medusa
- June 19, 2018 Daily Results
- Daily Winner: White Hawk
- Z-score Winners: More Cowbell & Fuzzy Logic
- Most Improved: More Cowbell
- Link to Andrew Sims’ Drone video of action at top mark of 2nd race
- June 12, 2018 Daily Results
- Daily Winner: Vixen
- Z-score Winners: Vixen & Butter
- Most Improved: Greyhound
- Link to Ann Blanchard’s photos from June 12
- June 5, 2018 Daily Results
- Daily Winner: Black Sheep
- Z-score Winner: Medusa
- Most Improved: Black Sheep
- May 29, 2018 Daily Results
- Daily Winner: Hustler
- Link to Ann Blanchard’s photos from May 29
- May 22, 2018 – No Racing
- May 15, 2018 – No Racing – First scheduled races of 2018 Season
Fleet 27 Race Results from 2017 & Prior
Prior Year’s Race Results: Tuesday Series Race results for 2013 – 2017 are now re-entered into the Sailwave race scoring program. The updated scoring/ranking is not 100% in agreement with the original scores I have been provided, but unless I receive clarifying information from members of the Fleet, I will use the current Sailwave scoring protocols. Some differences I note:
- The scores for R/C duty (scoring code OOD) originally (i.e., in 2015 and earlier) were calculated in a different manner that I have not figured out. In 2016 and 2017, the OOD score is the boat’s average of all races in the series being scored. In 2018, we calculate the OOD score as the average of all counted races in the series being scored. The 2018 SI’s provide that the boat performing R/C duty receives its average score for races run while it is R/C, but that leaves open whether that is the average of all races, the average of counted races, or some other average.
- Note, using only the “counted” races; i.e., excluding from the average any dropped races, is an interpretation of rule RRS A10(a) that gives the R/C the most reward, while still using the RDG(a) scoring code. To further increase the incentive, the boat performing R/C duty could be awarded a first place (as is done in some fleets).
- In 2016 and 2017, the OOD was counted as a competitor in the race, so that potentially bumped up the DNC/DNF/DNS/DSQ scores if the boat never raced, but only performed race committee duty. In 2018, we are not counting the OOD as a competitor in the race.
- SCP (percentage scoring penalty) currently rounds the adjusted score to the nearest whole number, per 2017-2020 RRS rule 44.3(c), and that causes a couple rankings to swap. The originally published scores did not round the adjusted (penalized) score to a whole number.
- The updated scores do not count as an entry (and thereby do not increase the DNC/DNS/DNF points for that series) any boat that never competed in that series (i.e., never came to the starting area and never ranked as a “starter.”
- Also, for all series in 2016 and earlier, the updated scores are low-point per Appendix A (but not A9) for each series being scored; as I understand it, the Fleet updated the scoring procedure to include appendix A9 starting with the 2017 season, which now rewards DNS and DNF boats for showing up to the race area (compared to DNC boats).
So, a few mid-fleet rankings do swap from the originally published results due to these (and possibly other) reasons. Comments welcome.
- 2013 Season Series (The listed race dates are uncertain – just guesses)
- 2013 Spring Series
- 2013 Summer Series
- 2013 Fall Series
- 2013 Lobster Bowl
Older Results: Fleet 27 results listed below were extracted from the internet ether and are republished here with no guarantees that these are 100% correct.
- 2012 Results (Spring, Summer & Fall Series)
- 2012 Season Overall Results
- 2011 Results (Summer, Fall, and Weekend Series)
- 2010 Season Results (season’s results, contrary to label on the table)
- 2010 Weekend Results(weekend series results, contrary to label on table)
2001 – 2005
Race results from 2001 – 2005 are missing. If you have results of Fleet 27 racing from this period, please forward copies to the Fleet 27 webmaster.
Does anyone have any prior year Etchells results that are not posted here? We are missing Tuesday Evening results from Spring 2011, Overall 2011 Season, and from all series prior to 2006. If you have old copies of any of these race results squirreled away in a long forgotten toolbox, please find them and forward a copy to [email protected] or give them to Matt and he will get them posted here.